Large Machine Shop for Sale in Southern Connecticut

Price: $95,000

Location: Southern Connecticut

Industry: Industrial and Commercial Machinery

Listing ID: 05221664

Listing Status: New


This machine shop was established in 1973 when the owner bought the real estate, added machinery and started up the company. Over time, as his sales expanded, he expanded the footprint of the building and added more machinery. The company will be 50 years old in 2023. While operating at significantly lower sales due to Covid 19 and owner's personal health over the past two years the Company remains in business at a modest level with only a few accounts. The years 2017, 2018 and 2019 are the last three years of significant activity as the income statements show in this listing. From a cash flow basis the owner, along with his wife, were able to make decent income as the only employees of the Company, which files Form 1120-S Corporate tax return.The equipment is not the most modern but all of it works. As a whole, the Company will be interesting to a buyer, probably a young person, to get established in his own facility at a very reasonable price. Rent is to be $2,000 per month for the 4,000 sq. ft. being leased. The real estate is also available for $200,000 as a separate transaction. Complete Equipment List is available. Buyer should have some machining expereience although current owner will train the buyer for a considerable period at a reasonable wage after the sale.


Down Payment: $95,000

Total Sales: $123,900

Cash Flow: $39,836



Accounts Receivable: N/A


Inventory: $95,000


Non-Owner Payroll: N/A


Real Estate: N/A

Monthly Rent: N/A

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